Monday, February 1, 2010

Bring on the Veggies

Well, here's goes nothing. In light of New Years resolutions, healthy eating, and stretching myself, a few friends and I have decided to take on a new diet for the month of February. So, bring on the veggies. BRING IT! Bring it? I'm scared.

My preface to this whole situation is that I love with my whole entire body meat. Chicken, fish, beef, pork... everything. I'm an equal opportunity employer when it comes to digesting some good ol fashion meat. In fact, I can't think of many meals that I haven't made that didn't have some sort of meaty goodness.

So why, you might ask. Why would this beef lover of sorts put herself through this? Why would a woman who craves hamburgers like they are chocolate decide to write off such a thing? Because. Just that. Because.
1.) I love a challenge.
2.) I love trying to stretch my cooking.
3.) And I'm there for my girls thick and thin.
4.) And I've heard that it may help with some weight-loss goals I've been working on.

So I don't have any medical condition, I'm not a "save the animals" type of girl (I prefer organic... but maybe I'll go into that another time). There is this big unknown about being a Vegetarian that I'd like to explore. I've never tried eggplant, I don't really care for peppers... but I think I should man up and give them some time.

Daniel seems pretty indifferent. I'll still have meat around the house for him since I make him live without gluten. It will be a fun balancing act to make sure he gets his fat and protein and that I eat no meat.

Tonight, we are having Vegetable Soup for dinner... and I'm praying that it will give us two dinners so that I don't have to do too much creative thinking until after this week. We'll see. School hates me right now, and I have no free time.

So cheer me on, keep me accountable, and please please please don't tell me about the juicy steak you're having. For the love of all things holy. Oh yea, and Valentines Day doesn't count. We always have a nice steak for the holiday. So there.

Lord help me.

1 comment:

Irene said...

yeah buddy! whooooo. I'm so proud of us. Let self-control and organic earth friendliness reign.
Em's boulder hippie friends would be so proud.