Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rachael's Baby Bump - Teaser

Just to wet your whistle, take a look at Rachael's baby bump! She's one of those ladies that everyone looks at and says, "I hope I'm that cute when I'm pregnant." More photographs of Rach and little Baby Brown to come soon!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Matt and Mandy Engagement

These have been done for some time, but I forgot to share them in the midst of our move.

Matt and Mandy are planning their wedding for late August, and I'm so excited to be capturing their day for them. They are such a fun-loving couple surrounded by such family. Daniel originally became good friends with Matt his freshman year at Rose, and Mandy and I hit it off quickly (wives/girlfriends of engineers need to stick together). They are musically talented and such a kind and giving couple. Our time in Terre Haute would not be the same without them.

Enjoy their shots. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2 years (and one day)

A lot has changed in the two years that Daniel and I got married.
A lot of growing as occurred.

Some people thought that we were nuts for getting married so young.
I guess I cant blame them.
They were probably jealous. A love like this is few and far between.
Or just concerned. We were young, going to great places.

We could not have imagined the adversities that we would face.
I'm glad we didn't try to imagine them, actually.
That would have spoiled the fun.

It's been hard.
The compromising, the patience, the unconditional love... the homework.
No one said it would be easy.

I can tell you this for certain.
There was some point
Some phone conversation, some voice inflection,
some statement, some compliment,
in which I knew
in which he knew
that life could not go on without the other.

Corny? Fact.
Truth? Affirmative.

Marriage was the next step.
Come. What. May.

So we followed His heart. We followed our hearts.
What God has created, let no man separate.

Here is to many more years of growing, loving, compromising, laughing, and car dancing.